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REVELATION 5:11: “I saw, and I heard something like a voice of many angels around the throne, the living creatures, and the elders. The number of them was ten thousands of ten thousands, and thousands of thousands;” (WEB) reveals that more than 52 MILLION DEMONS, and quite possibly even many millions more, still inhabit and roam freely on this Earth, since one third of the original number of angels rebelled against God (one third multiplied by at least 156 million original angels equals 52+ million demons leaving at least 104 million angels [ten thousand times ten thousand equals 100 million and thousands of thousands equal at least 4 million in the above Revelation 5:11 verse]). Revelation 12:3,4: Another sign was seen in heaven. Behold, a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads seven crowns. 4 His tail drew one third of the stars of the sky, and threw them to the earth ……” (WEB) The Greek for the symbolic word “stars” is aster, Strong’s number 792, which is defined in Revelation 1:16,20 as angels. Going through the math again, the remaining 104 million righteous angels represent the two thirds of the original number of angels created, since Satan convinced one third to follow him. Since two thirds equals .666, .666X=104,000,000 using simple algebra. To find X, the original number of angels created, 104,000,000 is divided by .666, which yields 156,156,150, which, when multiplied by one third (.3333333), equals 52,052,044 demonic creatures. Approximately 156 million original angels, minus the approximately 52 million fallen, demonic angels, equals the 104 million, righteous angels mentioned in Revelation 5:11.

ACTS 5:32: “…… the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who OBEY him.” (WEB) This important verse implies that the Holy Spirit is given only to those that obey God. The verse shows that most Christians, since they ignore some still valid Mosaic laws, probably do not even have the Holy Spirit, a very helpful weapon, of course, to ward off attacks by possessing or strongly influencing roving bands of demons or even Satan himself. Christians lacking the Holy Spirit are generally more vulnerable to demonic possession or influence than those having the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 6:11: “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” (WEB) James 4:7: “Be subject therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” (WEB) Many Christians probably do not fully realize what they are up against concerning the invisible world of evil, Satanic creatures. The New Testament contains many accounts of demonic possession that ruined the lives of the victims until the demons were removed or “cast out” by Jesus or an Apostle. A minister in the church that I attended told me years ago that he cast out a demon which had possessed someone. He said that the results were “immediate and dramatic.” Playing around with the occult, especially with such things as ouija boards, is extremely dangerous and should be avoided.

On July 2, 2014 the Associated Press reported that the Vatican had formally recognized, for the first time in history, the International Association of Exorcists, a group of 250 Catholic priests in 30 countries. Pope Francis had approved the organization’s statutes and recognized the group under canon law as the number of reported cases of demonic infestation, influence, and possession keeps rising worldwide, according to

Tourette’s Syndrome is a modern psychiatric term for a disorder that usually has classic signs of possession that include frequent, involuntary, sometimes violent body movements, uttering involuntary animal-like sounds or foul words, and self inflicted injuries. In 2009 an estimated 200,000 people, in the United States, which roughly is about 1 in every 1,500 Americans, suffer from this heartbreaking affliction, which almost certainly is caused by demons, themselves having a wide variety of personalities. A significant number of these victims are confined or “warehoused” in mental institutions. Why does God allow such terrible suffering? As strong willed and proud and even fiercely independent as many or most people are, I believe it’s pretty safe to say that the Lord permits possession to help draw even them to Him for healing, protection, and ultimately salvation. Demonic possession, though rejected by the very secular, very evolutionist dominated, Bible rejecting mainstream media, can sometimes be a logical explanation for the insanely illogical, senseless, occasionally suicidal atrocities some people inflict upon others such as mass shootings.

During the Middle Ages a list of symptoms was created to identify demonic possession. Only one of the following was needed to confirm control by a fallen spirit:

1) ability to perform super human physical acts such as levitation and remotely controlling objects,
2) ability to curse or blaspheme in languages unknown to a person,
3) ability to read someone’s mind or locate secretly hidden things or predict future events,
4) the act of vomiting objects the demon made the person swallow,
5) a fear or hatred of holy objects, and
6) inability to say the word “Christ.” Other signs that can indicate possession, infestation, or strong demonic influence include making unusual sounds at the most inopportune times, dreaming only nightmares with few if any pleasant dreams, hearing voices when no one else is present, and often making irrational and harmful important decisions.

A rare case of obvious demonic possession, well documented in 2008 by a board certified psychiatrist, an associate professor, a team of Catholic priests, deacons, nuns and several lay assistants is described below. To verify the accuracy of the event search “documented demonic possession” on the internet.

A middle aged American woman who had requested exorcism was levitated 6 inches off the floor for 30 minutes by one or more demons, objects around her occasionally flew off shelves, she spoke in foreign languages unknown to her, uttered animal-like noises and loud growls which seemed impossible for any human to mimic, cursed in different masculine voices those around her, and revealed personal knowledge about other people impossible for her to have known without demonic help. The room that they were in for a while became cold then almost unbearably hot. She had no reaction to normal water that was sprinkled on her, but screamed when “holy” water was sprinkled on her. She uttered phrases similar to “Leave, you idiot priest,” “Leave her to herself,” and “She belongs to us.” She had a long history of involvement with Satanic groups.
Demons have great powers, and unidentified flying objects are almost certainly just demons or Satan himself “horsing around” trying to make people think they are advanced aliens visiting us from other worlds, which helps foster the unBiblical theory of evolution. “Ghosts” and other paranormal activity are again merely demons entertaining themselves by trying to scare us.

The January, 2012 case of 12 girls suffering from severe tics at the rural Le Roy High School in upper New York, U.S.A. is probably another reminder of the existence of possessing or influencing demons. The diagnosis of “Conversion Disorder” by secular, Bible rejecting doctors raised in a culture of evolutionism is questionable, to say the least. You could tell by just watching those poor girls on television that they were experiencing agonizingly involuntary, highly embarrassing facial movements most likely caused by one or more demons again “horsing around” with unbaptized Christians lacking the protective Holy Spirit. Exorcism by a righteous minister or maybe even a Catholic priest, assuming the girls eventually seek God by trying to obey Him, if the demons don’t become bored and leave on their own, may be the only hope these girls have of ridding themselves of this nightmarish predicament.

According to…. by September 11, 2012 some of the girls were no longer experiencing the tics or were not suffering as severely as before, but two new cases of young students at the school suffering from uncontrollable twitching similar to Tourette’s Syndrome have been reported. Health officials have concluded that local environmental contamination probably did not cause the tics in any of the girls. Maybe several of the demons became tired of playing around with some of the students and decided to jump into some new people there.

In 2007 at the William Byrd High School in Roanoke, Virginia nine girls and one teacher also experienced similar tics. No environmental cause was found for the twitching.