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How dare frail, human translators, trusted by others to be impartially objective, arrogantly insert their own personal opinions directly between the sacred words of our precious Savior, but that is exactly what most of them have done. Not just a few, but MOST English translations of the Bible are TAINTED (RUINED is probably a better word) with a VERY MISLEADING, ANTI-OLD TESTAMENT, PERSONAL OPINION INSERTED BY TRANSLATORS AFTER THE ORIGINAL GREEK AT THE END OF MARK 7:19, which tries to trick you into thinking that the food laws have been abolished. According to the literal Greek the subject of Mark 7:19 really is the failure of some of the disciples of Jesus to always WASH THEIR HANDS before eating, a strict Jewish custom, NOT forbidden food. Mark 7:2,5: “Now when they saw some of His disciples eat bread with …… unwashed hands, they found fault. 5 Then the Pharisees and scribes asked Him, ‘Why do Your disciples …… eat bread with unwashed hands?’ ” (NKJV) Mark 7:18-21,23: “And he saith unto them, Are ye so without understanding also? Perceive ye not, that whatsoever from without goeth into the man, [it] cannot defile him; 19 because it goeth not into his heart, but into his belly, and goeth out into the draught?} [THIS HE SAID], MAKING ALL MEATS CLEAN. 20 And he said, { That which proceedeth out of the man, that defileth the man. 21 For from within, out of the heart of men, evil thoughts proceed, fornications, thefts, murders, adulteries …… 23 all these evil things proceed from within, and defile the man.}” (American Standard Version) Those CAPITALIZED letters are not the original words of Jesus. Those highly deceiving words came from the biased, antinomian mind of the translator. The above capitalized words in Mark are the perfect example of what Jude warned us about, the secret infiltration of shameless scoundrels trying to replace grace with lawlessness. Jude 1:4: “…… some people have infiltrated our ranks …… who beneath their pious skin are SHAMELESS SCOUNDRELS. Their design is to REPLACE the sheer GRACE of our God with SHEER LICENSE—which means doing away with Jesus ……” (The Message) Just that one comment alone at the end of Mark 7:19 by the translator automatically reveals his true attitude towards OT law keeping, which he will try to subtly express throughout the entire NT, seizing the opportunity wherever he can to take advantage of seemingly vague or ambiguous law keeping verses to assert his own theology. Upon discovery of such translation atrocities, Christians of the caliber of law keeping Paul would probably quickly instruct familiar law keeping Christians to track down and expose all of these destructive, heretical translation atrocities, the unsolicited insertion of personal opinions directly into the Holy Scriptures. For an in depth analysis of Mark 7:19 read the page EXAMPLES OF TRANSLATORS’ DECEPTIVE, UNJUSTIFIED BIAS AGAINST OT LAWS to see what most translators have been able to get away with, which is tampering with divine instructions for salvation, and to become aware of 7 good reasons why NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in the entire chapter of Mark 7 actually refers to the protective, Mosaic dietary restrictions. That unjustified, prejudiced addition plus the widespread, DELIBERATE SLANTING of the literal translation of certain other usually overly concise, over generalized, controversial law verses (Acts 15:24, Ephesians 2:15, Hebrews 7:18, Mark 7:19, etc.) away from all OT law keeping is a major, if not THE MAJOR REASON why mainstream Christianity has sinfully abandoned observing many still valid Mosaic laws. The magnitude of this ABOMINABLE, HIGHLY BLASTPHEMOUS TRANSLATION ATROCITY is so immense that words cannot adequately describe it except possibly one: Satanic. Apparently that old, lying “Serpent” has again successfully slithered his way into what we trust the most, the holy Scriptures.